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Stole your doctor’s prescription pad? You could face charges


When you were put on pain medications, the goal was to eventually get off them. What you found was that it was harder said than done. You started having issues with withdrawal, and you told your doctor that you were finding it hard to manage your pain. They refused to issue any more of the medication, so you decided to take matters into your own hands.

Your doctor still writes paper prescriptions, so you slyly took a few of the prescription papers from the pad when the nurse left you in the room. You did manage to get your doctor to sign a prescription for a standard dose of ibuprofen, so you had his signature right in front of you.

You decided that you could simply write yourself the same prescription that you had before, and you tried to. Unfortunately, the pharmacist noted that the prescription wasn’t written out exactly as it should have been. They called the doctor to verify, and you were caught.

Prescription fraud is a serious charge. Your doctor has been given permission to write prescriptions after years of schooling and education. Their decision not to give you any more of the addictive medications you were taking was one based on medical science and their opinion of your health. When you sought more of the drugs, it only confirmed their opinion that you needed to be off of them.

Now, you could be looking at time in prison or serious fines for what you did. It’s important that you defend yourself early on in the case because this could have a lasting impact on your life.

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